~CiNdY aNd DaViD~

~CiNdY aNd DaViD~
Always & Forever

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hydroelectric Power

1) Assignment on hydroelectric power.

2) Like wind, moving water has been anenergy sourcefor centuries. Today, the powerthat falling water generates, known as hydroelectric power drives turbines that produce electricity.

3) The water held in a reservoir behind a dam is a form of stored energy that can be released through the dam to produce electric power.

4) In the United States, hydroelectric power plants produce about 5 percent of the country's electricity.

5) Although water power is a renewable resorce, hydroelectric dams have finite lifetimes. Eventually, the sediment fills the reservoir, the dam can no longer produce power.

6) There are hydroelectric dams in many parts of the United States, with the greatest concentration in the Southeast and the Pacific Northwest.

This limits future expansion of hydroelectric power.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Goals From August 16-October 22

~Academic Goals~
1) Earn 2.5 credits for English 8B
step 1: Finish The Challenge of Toddlers
step 2: Read the book when I'm not busy

Earn 1.5 credits for Algebra A
step 1: Complete the assignments I have
step 2: Ask for help when in class

~Social/Personal Goals~
2) Plan my sons routine for a few weeks
step 1: Set his bedtime earlier than usual
step 2: Wright down when he takes naps

Arrive on time to class
step 1: Set my alarm to 6:30am
step 2: Prepare the day before class

~Reflect on The Goals~
3)I have improved most of my goals so far

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

About Me

I'm a single mother at age 13. I have a beautiful 8 month baby boy that had crawled just yesterday. Even though I am young I want to raise my baby the way I want without any body telling me what to do, but the truth is I still need help especially when my baby is hard to control. I love my teachers so much that I decided to stay in Lindsay until I graduate from 12Th grade. One reason why I love Lindsay is that my teachers really support me and teach me new things every day I go to school, they are the reason why I go to school. My baby is also the reason why I go to school to be a role model for him. I take my baby to school with me, but he stays in the nursery. I like the nursery because no other school takes care of babies and that's why I chose to come here from where I live it takes about 15 minutes to get here depending on traffic, but being here on time means a lot to my teachers so I have to get up early. I mean I don't want to be behind in class. I have a family of 10 including my dog. We live in a big house and I have lived there for 8 years. I love my home because when I was young I was very curious and when David, my baby grows up he will maybe do the same. When I found out I was pregnant I wanted to keep my baby even though I never thought I would be a mother. Now I don't regret having him because he is the one who I will always love, he means my life. I can't imagine my life with out him, I know my life completely changed, but I really don't regret it. I like how I live and of course, I do have thoughts of my past. I love my baby, my family, and my teachers and I don't want to to mess that up with something stupid. I noticed the older I got the more I knew and before I had David I didn't know much at all. Well now that school is over I got to go and next time I can write more about me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Goals for the next 10-week term

Goal #1: Is to get at least 3.0 on science 7b
Steps to achieve: 1)finish the work I do in class
and if I can't finish it, then after school or at home
2)ask for help when I need it or
review the work that I didn't understand and take

work home to get caught up

Goal #2: Get more than 3.0 on computer applications
Steps to achieve: 1)ask the teachers if I can
work on it during lunch or after school
2)go to the library to work on the computer

Goal #3: Read to my baby at least 3 times a week
Steps to achieve: 1)check out some books from the
library and read them to my baby
2)make flash cards with pictures
of animals or words that are easy
to read and show them to my baby

Goal #4: Try to get my baby to sleep early
Steps to achieve: 1)sleep him 15 minutes earlier
before his regular bed time every
day until he sleeps by 8:00pm
2)feed him or read him to sleep
so that he can be full and tired,
but plan what day to start by
figuring out his routine

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

M.C. Escher

  1. His full name was Maurits Cornelis Escher

  2. He was born June 17,1898 in Leeuwarden,Netherlands

  3. He was known for his often mathematically inspired woodcuts,lithographs,and mezzo tints

Five Facts About Him:

  • during his whole life he moved eight times to another residence

  • he was left handed,but used his right hand as a model

  • before he died he suffered a long time from a severe disease

  • completed four hundred,forty eight lithographs,woodcuts and wood engravings

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Kite Flyer

1.I enjoy the book better because it tells specificly what happens;the book tells the story and you can imagine what they look like or what is happening in your own mind.Also the book is more intresting than the movie,to me the part that was fasinating to me was when Amir saw Hassan get raped by Assef and he didn't help his own half brother.Amir saw a look on Hassan's he had seen before...the look of the lamb and I imagined how everything was happening.Chapter 7 page 76.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolution

1. Stop fighting with my brother
  • Do not bother him when I am bored
  • Ignore him when he bothers me
  • Say sorry when I did something bad to him

2. Improve my reading

  • Practice reading to my baby
  • Read a little slow and accurate
  • Read as if I were saying a speech

3. Lose 10 pounds

  • Walk my baby three times a week around my neighborhood
  • Practice exercising by playing sports like soccer or basketball
  • Quit eating chips and chocolate