~CiNdY aNd DaViD~

~CiNdY aNd DaViD~
Always & Forever

Friday, December 4, 2009

Precious Questions

What are the moments that stood out to you?That Precious was sexually abused by her father and mother.How did they make you feel?Very mad because Precious did not expect to have children,especially by her father and her mother should have defended her!How will they cause you to think about things differently in the future?They cause me to think about things differently in the future because there are many children that have been sexually abused and in the future many will need help to stop the violence!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


E.coli is a bacteria(germ) and is also an eubacteria. You can get it by eating under cooked ground beef .The symptoms are severe abdominal cramps to bloody diarrhea. It is diagnosed by a Dr. doing a culture by your stool. It is treated by drinking a lot of water and watching for complications.To keep from getting the E.coli infection is to wash your hands with soap before cooking meat also cook ground beef until you see no pink anywhere.The meat can get contaminated with the germ germ during the slaughtering process.When beef is ground up,the E.coligerms get mixed throughout the meat.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

about me

My name is Cindy I am 12 years old and I am 8 month pregnant. I got pregnant at age 11 and found out when I was 5 weeks. How I found out was because I had nausea and it caused me to vomit a lot.The father is not in my life nor in my baby's. I am having a boy and naming him David. My due date is September 23 or 27. I am a little scared of having the labor contractions and giving birth. Even though I am very young I think I can handle a baby of my own. I love that he moves around and kicks and so far I am doing fine. I plan to breastfeed for as long as I can last. I hope it won't be too overwhelming for me because I never had to take care of anyone. I know I will be fine after labor because my life is in God's hands.